Pasta with cherry tomatoes and basil
Full Grain Pasta with juicy cherry tomatoes, Basil and olives is a dish that you and your loved ones will surely enjoy. What’s more, it’s also very simple and quick to prepare so you won’t waste a whole day in the kitchen 😉 The time saved this way you can use for example. for a run or a walk. And here’s what you need ingredients for preparing pasta:
Ingredients of pasta with cherry tomatoes
- Wholemeal pasta,
- Olives,
- Cherry tomatoes,
- Mozzarella,
- Basil,
- Pepper,
- Garlic,
- Onion.
In the pot cooking pasta. And in a frying pan, we fry onions along with tomatoes, olives. We add spices and garlic and then add cooked pasta. We also throw in mozzarella cheese at the end. Enjoy your meal!